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Into the electric field determination, the design, planing and drawing of model process, plays an important role into the early steps of the FEA analysis. The use of CAD software was required as an essential tool in order to carry out the model of the body forming the high voltage device. The following, consists in a descriptive image serial about the cad models obtained during the drawing and planing process. In this case the objects was obtained by the use of AUTOCAD.

Fig.1 Frontal view
Fig.2 Rear View

Figures 1 and 2, belongs to the arrester modeled. First, the frontal view is displayed in order to see some deatilas about the general shape of both, the aisolator porcelain housing and the metal electrodes.
Next, the second figure details isolator shape, zinc oxyde elements, metal spacers, metal electrodes and air gap. The use of a transversal cut trough the model, makes possible to apreciate such components as a total device.

Fig.3 Hollow Arrester isommetric view
Fig.4 Total Arrester isommetric view
Solid 3-D Isommetric exposures are included also, the main subject in these two figures, is to show details about the internal componenets of the arrester. Two important differences can be appreciated in these figures. First the case of a hollow housing (isolator piece only) and the second, consists in a total arrester.
All these figures are displayed after a renderization.

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